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13 things mentally strong people don’t do

Mentally strong people have a growth mindset and are able to handle challenges and difficulties with resilience and determination. They don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves, but instead take responsibility for their lives and their actions. They don’t give away their power to others and instead take control of their own thoughts and emotions. They don’t shy away from change, but embrace it as an opportunity for growth and development. They don’t focus on things they can’t control and instead concentrate on what they can do to improve their situation. They don’t worry about pleasing everyone and instead prioritize their own values and beliefs. They don’t fear taking calculated risks and embrace new challenges with a positive attitude. They don’t dwell on the past, but instead look forward and focus on creating a better future.

7 ways to be mentally strong

Often hear the term mental toughness but what exactly does it mean? Are Athletes, Bodybuilders and Business Leaders Born with the “Toughness” Chip? Finally, can a person really develop mental toughness skills?

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